Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Post Calendar for March 2009 plus Upcoming Events!

March, 2009
Thursday, 3/5:
~Post Meeting, 8pm
~Ladies Auxillary Meeting, 7:30pm
Tuesday, 3/17, St. Patrick's Day!
~$1 corn beef sandwhiches and $1 mugs
Saturday, 3/21, Keyport St. Patrick's Day Parade!
~Free corn beef and cabbage at the Post
Thursday, 3/26:
~Trustee Meeting, 7:30pm
Saturday, 3/28:
~Texas Hold 'Em -Buy in is $75, 1st 60 players, Registration 6pm - 7pm. Starts 7pm
Free Pool for Members & Kareoke every Friday & Friday evening!

April, 2009:

Sunday, 4/5:

~Ladies Auxillary Roast Beef Dinner, 1pm - 6pm
Saturday, 4/11:

~Ladies Auxillary Bake Sale, 10am - 2pm
Friday, 4/17:
~Ladies Auxillary County Meeting, 7pm (at Post 23)
Saturday, 4/25:

~Texas Hold 'Em -Buy in is $75, 1st 60 players. Registration 6pm - 7pm. Starts 7pm.

May, 2009:
Saturday, 5/16:

~Texas Hold 'Em -Buy in is $75, 1st 60 players, Registration 6pm - 7pm. Starts 7pm

September, 2009:
~Saturday, 9/19:

Post 23 Day at the Races! Monmouth Park, Tickets are $25.00 per person (includes picnic and trackside seating)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Due to technical difficulties on the computer homefront and vision issues, the Post 23 website and blog haven't been updated in some time. I apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Joanne Wnorowski, Ladies Auxiliary

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Post Photo's!

Please see the "Post23 Links!" section in the left hand column (you may have to scroll down to see it) and click on the "Current" photo's link! This will bring you to a page where you can see all of the Posts' photo albums! To view an album, just click on it! Here, I've provided mini slideshow previews of some of the photo's!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Spaghetti Benefit Dinner! Fri 8/15/08 @ 4pm

For the Tyler O'Steen Memorial Fund, hosted by Keyport Local PBA 223 and Keyport 1st Aid, at the 1st Aid Building, 1927 Atlantic Street, Keyport. Tickets are $10 per person.

"Under Construction!"

Please check back for Post23 Pics and Information!
Thank you!